Dwayne Baxter is a fictional character portrayed by Joshua Caleb Johnson in the TV series Snowfall.
They appear in 3 episodes out of a total of 60 aired
episode S4.E2 february 2021Chaos reigns as Franklin's plans go awry and he turns to an old flame for help. Leon struggles without Franklin. Cissy takes a more active role in Franklin's business. Gustavo's world is shaken. Irene finds her way to Alton's shelter.Expansion
episode S4.E4 march 2021Franklin's missteps put Leon in the crosshairs, resulting in an unexpected reconnection. Teddy faces fallout from Tijuana. Irene's investigation has a promising new lead.Through a Glass, Darkly
episode S4.E7 march 2021Franklin is blindsided. Teddy and Avi travel to Panama to retrieve stolen cash.
- Weight
- Expansion
- Through a Glass, Darkly